
"Buyuden" is the comedic routine that originally catapulted Oriraji to fame in 2004. These days it seems to be a bit of a sore spot for them, but they still oblige when they're asked to perform it.

***Update(20120206): Oriraji have successfully re-incorporated the Buyuden into their current image.*** 

Here are video clips of them on ゲンセキ10カラット, and エンタの神様, from when they were still wee little 1st-year comedians:

[tudou](ゲンセキ) and [tudou](10カラット) and [Google](エンタ1) and [tudou](エンタ2) and [tudou](エンタ3) and [tudou](エンタ4) and [FC2](エンタ1回目)

Here is another one where they are arguing with 江頭2:50 who the true originator of Buyuden is: [YT]

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